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"Love is the way we walk in gratitude because we are Love Itself!" - A Course In Miracles












Road to Oneness


!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

  • A Selection of FREE High Vibe, Heart-Centered, Inspirational Movies
  • Fiction: ROYAL LIGHT - Near Death Experience turns a championship surfer's life upside down!
  • Fiction: STILL VERY MUCH ALIVE - WWII soldier discovers life after getting killed on the battlefield!
  • Fiction: FINALLY COMING HOME - A visitor helps earthbound Civil War soldiers return to the light!
  • True Story: THE GREAT FROG GOD - Divine intervention surprises a baby frog's life that is in jeopardy!

  • Creating Our NEW EARTH VISIONS with Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology
  • Sacred Symbols and Goddess Images for Ascension by Rae Chandran
  • KEEP YOUR VIBES HIGH! Free PDF Download - An Inspirational Reminder To Post Anywhere!

  • Stop the WHO Pandemic Treaty Power Grab! ACT NOW! Or, Forever Submit.
  • Prayer for Planetary Liberation by The Collective via Carolyn Oceana Ryan
  • How the States Can Save America: Article V Amending the U.S. Constitution
  • Benjamin Fulford Reports: A Brief History of Anglo-Saxon Drug Trafficking (U.S./CIA Involvement)

  • How to Attract a Steady Flow of Money into Your Life! The Spirit of Money
  • Ascension-Minded Co-Creators Wanted For A New Intentional Ascension Community
  • Directory of Censorship Free Social Media, Indy-Alternative News & ET-Spirit Channeled Sources
  • Make The Billionaires Pay for Capitalizing on Human Suffering During COIVD-19 Pandemic

  • STOP 5G - The Silent Killer
  • The Rockefeller-Carnegie Big Pharma Scam - The Killing of Natural Medicine
  • The New Hack-Proof, Super-Conscious, Global Quantum Financial Computer System

  • THE SECRET SPACE PROGRAM: Villians, Heroes & ET's: Origins of Covert Operations
  • Request High Vibrational Healing Transmissions from Archangel Raphael and Angelic Healing Team
  • Galactic Intervention Fleets in Earth’s Star System by Adronis of Sirius via Brad Johnson
  • REPEAL Real ID Act of 2005 / America’s Worst Nightmare! (USA ONLY)


  • Jared Rand: Med Bed Expert, Celestial Healing Chamber, Daily Global Meditation Broadcast
  • Everything You Wanted To Know About Med Beds by Skye Prince - RN in the Secret Space Program
  • Med Beds: Quantum Healing Technologies - by the Intergalactic Alliance of Light Beings
  • The Benefits of Med Beds: The Galactic Federation of Light via Kate Woodley
  • Med Beds: The End of Cancer, Illness and Disease from the Secret Space Programs


  • Your Ascension Event: Grand News Brings Much Jubilation! - Galactic Federation of Light
  • How Ascension Really Works! The Pleiadian Light Forces Transmission - February 19, 2019
  • Worldwide Enlightenment Event is IMMINENT! by Divine Mother God - September 24, 2018
  • The Great Event Is Coming! Sananda (Jesus) by Adele Arini


  • The Galactic Federation of Light: Our Benevolent ET Brothers and Sisters!
  • The Galactic Federation of Light Manifesto: A Pleiadian Message channeled by Artemis Pax
  • The Long-Awaited Benevolent ET Landings! Jesus by Adele Arini, March 31, 2018
  • Dr. Steven Greer's New Documentary Film & Book: Exposing the UFO-ET Cover-Up!


  • 2024 Predictions & Beyond - FREE PDF DOWNLOAD
  • 2023 Predictions & Beyond - FREE PDF DOWNLOAD
  • 2022: The Game Changer - God, Gaia (Earth), Matthew Ward New Year Message via Susan Ward
  • 2022 Predictions: Stay in Your Heart for Coming Changes! Amma the Divine Mother via Cathy Chapman
  • The First Year of a New Direction, The Energy of Rebellion, An Explosion of Awakening and more!

  • 2021-2029: Light At The End Of The Tunnel by the Divine Hosts of Light via Aurora Juliana Ariel, PhD
  • 2021 Predictions: Two Worlds Colliding by Lady Portia & Count St. Germain via Star Hinman
  • 2021 Predictions: Chaos Is Evidence of Powerful Change by Divine Mother via Miriandra Rota
  • 2021 Predictions: The Times They Are a-Changin' by The Guild of Peacemakers
  • The Next Big Shift in Consciousness - October 2020 to January 2021 by Pleiadian Commander Ashtar!

  • 2020 Blaze of Light / The Golden Elixir of Life by Archangel Metatron via Natalie Glasson!
  • 2020 Predictions: Prepare For Intense Change by Count St. Germain & Lady Portia via Star Hinman
  • 2020 Predictions: The Liberation by The Light Team channeled by Heather Kristian Strang
  • 2020 Predictions: The Timelines Are a Changin' by The Cosmic Council via Pat Crosby
  • The Sovereignty Plan 2020 and Gaia’s Ascension Experiment by the Lyran Council of Light


  • UPDATES - THE DARK CABAL TAKEDOWN - July to December 2020
  • UPDATES - THE DARK CABAL TAKEDOWN - January to June 2020
  • THE DARK CABAL TAKEDOWN - August to December 2018
  • The True Nature & Final Choices of the Dark Cabal by Adamu the Pleiadian
  • Secret Societies, Dark Agendas, and Their Imminent Doom by Benjamin Fulford
  • The Rise & Fall of the Dark Cabal, Rise of NESARA & the New U.S. Republic


  • Saint Germain's Message to Lightworkers on Earth: GESARA-GCR-RV is Imminent.
  • GESARA-NESARA: No Poverty or Hunger, The Beginning of a New Golden Age!
  • UPDATES: NESARA, GESARA, Global Currency Reset, Revaluation, ET Disclosure, etc.
  • HR-5404: The Return to a Gold-Backed U.S. Dollar, Posted April 8, 2018

    FREEDOM OVER TYRANNY UPDATES (Restoring Our Sovereignty)

  • January 2021: KRYON: 2021 - The Year of Revelations, and more!
  • December 2020: COVID-19 Plandemic: The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetuated on an Unsuspecting Public!
  • November 2020: Downloads, Upgrades, Activations, Progressive Reports Leading To Ascension!
  • October 2020: Secret Forces That Want Humanity Divided, and more!
  • August-September 2020: A Global Uprising Is Underway, and more!
  • June-July 2020: Big Tech Continues Its Censorship of America's Frontline Doctors!
  • 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic and Global Lockdown Reports: April through May 2020!
  • The Myth of a Free Press, Brainwashing, Media Censorship!


    ASCENSION UPDATES: The Great Awakening & Ascension

  • 03/16/2024: Current Soul Growth Strategy Plan for Liberation of Humanity by Ashtar!
  • February 2024 - No RV - Humanity has too much greed by Saint Germain!
  • January 2024 - You Are Part of the Divine Plan for Your Ascension and Earth's Ascension!
  • December 2023 - Zenxa: Humanity's New Planet in a Faraway Galaxy to Evolve in Spirituality!
  • November 2023 - People Will Find Their Voices and Power - 2024 Predictions!
  • October 2023 - The Era of Revelations is Underway! 2024 Predictions and more!
  • Planetary Ascension News - 2022 Archives - A Library of Weekly Newsletters
  • January 2021 - Progressive Reports on The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness!
  • December 2020 - Amazing Solstice Event: Age of Aquarius Global Meditation on December 21st!
  • November 2020 - The Secrets to Ascending Into The 5th Dimension of Consciousness!
  • October 2020 - Energies Propelling You Into The 2021 Earth, and more!
  • September 2020 - The Year 2021 Is The Year of Critical Choices, and more!
  • August 2020 - The Storm is part of a collective Ascension process for humans on Earth!
  • July 2020 - A Full Scale War is Happening Under Ground and Above Your Skies, and more!
  • June 2020 - You Are At The Cusp Of The New Awakening (Dawn) That Is Coming, and more!
  • May 2020 - The New Jerusalem: A Floating Etheric Mothership of the Pleiadian Light Forces, and more!
  • April 2020 - World Citizens Questioning Government's Real Motivation in Pandemic, and more!
  • March 2020 - The Storm Has Begun: The Battle For Planetary Liberation, and more!
  • February 2020 - The Challenge of the Corona Virus Outbreak for Humanity, and more!
  • January 2020 - Galactics Launch Final Phase "Operation Storm" To Rid Earth Of All Dark Forces!


  • Humanity's Ascension into 5D in 35-to-40 Years by ET Special Forces Arnold via Susan Ward
  • The Benevolent Reptilian Civilization by Horiss the Reptilian Commander channeled by Susan Ward
  • Practice Quantum Thinking - A New Cycle Has Begun - The Team channeled by Peggy Black
  • A Simple Self-Healing Sound Vibration Tool To Clear Any Emotion - The Hathors via Peggy Black

  • Your Light Is Changing This Dimension by God via Liane Rich
  • Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdoms by Steve Beckow
  • The Truth on The Truth: Update on the Ascension Process on Earth by Ivo of Vega
  • Healing the Atlantis Heritage by Yeshua (Jesus) via Pamela Kribbe

  • ETs from Another Galaixy, Vastly Different Than Humans, Speak through Robert Shapiro
  • Future Libraries Will Be Inter-Dimensional by Mikos via Dianne Robbins
  • A Massive Metamorphosis to Oneness - The Great Wisdom via Judith Moore
  • The 12 Pleiadian Laws of the Universe channeled by Michael Love

  • Pleiadian Master Teachings of Love, Happiness, Fun, Health (and more!) via Michael Love
  • The Anshar Blessing: "Receive The Wave" The Transforming Energy Wave via Losha
  • The Key To Ascension Is Inward Focus by the Blue Avians via Kate Woodley
  • The Supreme Bliss Within Your Inner Self by Archangel Sophia via Sharon Davis

  • The Power of Love by Lord Ashtar and the Angelic Kingdom via Lynne Rondell
  • The Heart and Soul of Ascension Mastery by Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman Vezane!
  • The Journey to the 5th Dimension of Love: Our Future Paradise! What It Looks Like!
  • Creating Change Within Yourself - Ivo of Vega channeled by Sharon Stewart

  • NOW Is The Time To Rise Above The Illusion by Cmdr Ashtar, One Who Serves, and Shoshanna!
  • Lightworker: Your Origins, Challenges, and Mission by Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart
  • 12 Steps To Light-Body Ascension by Archangel Lord Metatron!
  • Planet Earth to Enter a New Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity! The Council of Angels

  • The Elementals Speak for Gaia (Mother Earth) Channeled by Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD.
  • The Changeless Truth of WHO YOU ARE, and Not What Appearances Suggest! Saul through John
  • Focus On Your ASCENSION, Not On Drama! by Archangel Michael via Linda Dillion
  • Are You A Sensitive Energy Empath? Answer This Questionnaire To Find Out! by Adele Arini

  • Awaken To A New World On Earth by Master Imhotep via Karinna Nielsen
  • How To Attain The Fountain of Eternal Youth and Immortality by Adama of Telos
  • Prayers: Your Ticket To Higher Consciousness - Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel
  • The Planet of Solara with 2 Suns and 3 Moons Discovers Earth! channeled by Steve Rother

  • What Is My True Purpose In Life? The Council channeled by Ron Head
  • The Long-Awaited Benevolent ET Landings! Jesus by Adele Arini
  • UPDATE: Earth's & Humanity's Suppressed History Coming to the Surface!
  • The Sasquatch Message To Humanity To Co-Create A New Earth

  • How To Make An Easy Smooth Ascension - By The Pleiadians via Barbara Marciniak
  • The Sexual Healing of Humanity - by Spirit Guide eM channeled by Steve Rother
  • The Importance of Your Holy Etheric Body for the Ascension Process by ArchAngel Michael
  • What is Channeling? "Tuning In" Documentary by filmmaker David Thomas

  • The Choice to EXPERIENCE the Unreal Game that APPEARS to be Real by Spirit Guide Saul
  • Earth's HOLLOW Moon! Guess Who Lives Inside? Angelic Guides via Dr. Taryn Crimi
  • How the Quantum Field of Gratitude Can Change Your Life For The Better!

    What is The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness? (aka The Great Shift, Ascension, The Event) by Rev. Dennis Shipman

  • Table of Contents: A Premiere Up-Shift Beyond Our Wildest Dreams!
  • Chapter 1: The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness
  • Chapter 2: What is Unity Consciousness?
  • Chapter 3: The Illusion of Separation
  • Chapter 4: You Are The Miracle of Unity Consciousness
  • Chapter 5: Human Collective Consciousness
  • Chapter 6: Healing for the Age of Light

    The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness by Dennis B. Shipman
    The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness by Dennis B. Shipman at BlissfulVisions.com

    Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman Vezane

  • May 2022 - Love Overcomes All Negativity

    The Channelings of Star Hinman

  • Days of Truth and Lies! Secrets of Empowerment in These Days of Mis-Information!
  • * * * A * * * NEW * * * WORLD * * * BEGINS * * * Lady Portia & Count St. Germain.
  • Managers of the Flames - Clearing & Healing The Fallen Energies of Atlantis For Ascension!
  • URGENT! READ THIS NOW! The Battle for the Consciousness of Earth!
  • COVID-19: What They Won't Tell You! The Lesser of Two Evils! Lady Portia & Count St. Germain!
  • CHIEF GERONIMO - Message to the Warriors of Light on Planet Earth!

  • The Secret: How to Stop Fear and Corona Virus from Infecting You! Lady Portia & Count St. Germain!
  • The Destiny of Freedom in America 2020 by Lady Portia and Count St. Germain!
  • Ascension in Consciousness (Update February 2020) by Lady Portia and Count St. Germain!
  • 2020 Predictions: Prepare For Intense Change by Lady Portia and Count St. Germain!
  • The Massive Importance of Entering the "No-Judgment" Zone by Lady Portia and Count St. Germain!

    AMMA - The Divine Mother

  • Who is Amma, The Divine Mother? - Through Dr. Cathy Chapman, Ph.D.
  • Heart Source Breathing: To Relieve Stress and Feel Love, Joy and Happiness!
  • Transmuting Pain and Low Vibrations into JOY!
  • Book Review: Change Your Encodements, Your DNA, Your Life!
  • Book Review: The Heart - Doorway To Your Power!

  • Part 1: How To Change The World Without Leaving Your Home!
  • Part 2: How To Change The World Without Leaving Your Home!
  • Full Integration of the Heart-Brain - Becoming The Ultimate Human Being!
  • You Can Do Great Things! One Person Can Make a Difference in This World!
  • Amma's Video Messages for Balance, Happiness and Success!
  • 2017 Predictions: Amma's Insights for the New Year!

    Spirit Guide Matthew Ward Monthly Ascension Updates

  • Matthew Ward Provides a New Map of Heaven - written by Steve Beckow of Golden Age of Gaia
  • April 2023: Light vs dark progress; lightworkers as mentors; description of evolved civilizations, more!
  • March 2023: Light vs Dark battle; no WW3, Russia vs Ukraine war, peace talks, and more!
  • February 2023: Many souls completing 3D karmic lessons!
  • January 2023: Escalating Activity on the Ascension Process!
  • December 2022: God's Christmas Message, Universal Laws of Spiritual Growth and Ascension!
  • November 2022: Chaotic energy on Earth, awakening into the light, light forces, lost souls, and more!
  • October 2022: Last act of light vs darkness; Queen Elizabeth II, Illuminati/Satanists, and more!
  • September 2022: Ukraine situation; documents in Trump’s home; weather manipulation; ET crews; etc.
  • August 2022: Uprooting darkness, "pandemic"; how previous civilizations perished; climate change, etc.
  • July 2022: Explanation of Deep State, New World Order, Illuminati Global Network and their puppets.
  • What is the Mysterious Soul?
  • The Truth of Your Essence: Can You Handle The Truth?
  • April 2021: Vaccines DON'T prevent diseases. Nanochips track, control & change your DNA.
  • May 4, 2020 - NESARA/GESARA Update. COVID-19 Aspects Not Being Reported in News.
  • April 2, 2020 - When Will Corona Virus End? The NEW Normal. The 5G Connection. Soul Contracts.
  • March 13, 2020 - Impact of the Corona Virus and the Damage Fear Has Generated Worldwide!
  • February 11, 2020 - Corona Virus - Created by the Dark Forces to Exterminate Humanity!
  • January 10, 2020 - The long reign of darkness on Earth is ending!
  • December 14, 2019 - Rejoice! The power of love is spreading around the world!

    SANANDA (Jesus) Channelings

  • The Practice of Ascension by Master Jesus via Rev. Donna Ferri.
  • The Longing for God by Master Sananda Jesus via Jahn J Kassl.
  • There Is No Lack Of Love Because There Is Only LOVE! by Master Jesus via John Smallman.
  • How To Creat Miracles - Part 1 - Sananda (Jesus) Channeled by Adele Arini.
  • EVERYTHING is ALIVE with CONSCIOUSNESS! The Only Way Forward Is Through Love.
  • Nova Earth - The Rebirth - 10,000 Year Cycle of Peace Has Arrived! Jesus and Mary Magdalene
  • Master Jesus: My Autobiography by Tina Louise Spalding (Book Review)


    The Channelings of Natalie Glasson

  • 2021: Yours To Create by Lord Melchizedek!
  • 9-11: Shifting The Sadness Within by the Andromedans!
  • The Rainbow Light Body Upgrade by Commander Ashtar!
  • How To Dissolve Fear and Illness and Corona Virus, and Change Your Reality Positively!
  • Healing Love Chambers, Deep Cleansing Systems, Angelic Peace Chambers For Your Ascension!
  • The Incredible Power and Awesome Light of the Heart Chakra! by The Almighty Creator

  • Manifesting 5D Paradise: The Massive Power of Your Language and Thoughts! by The Arcturians
  • 2020 Blaze of Light / The Golden Elixir of Life by Archangel Metatron!
  • The Ultimate Gift: The Creator's Love (Your Most Deepest Yearning) by Master Jesus!
  • The Globe of Creation Activation to Support Your Ascension by the Council of 144!
  • The "Alive, Breathing, History Recorders of Earth" Crystalline Universe by Sanat Kumara!
  • Awakening Your Inner Eye (aka Third Eye) by Lord Melchizedek!

    The Arcturian Group channeled by Marilyn Raffaele

  • 12 Guidance Tips To Ending Darkness on Planet Earth!
  • From Corona Virus To Radical Transformation!
  • Let Go of Concepts of Duality and Separation!
  • Learn To See Beyond Appearances! They Can Be Deceiving!
  • False Programming of the Spiritual Journey by The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele
  • Important Reminders For Your Ascension by The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele
  • 10 Truths You Should Know About Ascension by the Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele

    The Power of Meditation - Journey to Unconditional Love

  • Global Meditations for Peace - Participate without leaving home!
  • Theta Wave Meditation: Accessing Your Multi-Dimensional Consciousness!
  • The Power of Meditation: Journey to Unconditional Love
  • Heart Source Breathing: To Relieve Stress and Feel Love, Joy, and Happiness!
  • Visualize World Peace - Download Free Peace Images
  • The AWESOME BENEFITS of Meditation

    Book Reviews - Available in 100 Languages!

  • The New Spiritual Chakras and How to Work with Them by Elizabeth Joyce
  • "THE ANSWER" - David Icke's Newest 670-page Book - Icke was BANNED on Facebook and YouTube
  • FREE PDF: Plague of Corruption - Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science by Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD.
  • Bringers of the Dawn - Teachings of the Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak
  • Kirael: The Great Shift Revised Edition by Fred Sterling

  • Your First Contact by Sheldan Nidle (The Ultimate Ride of Your Life!)
  • Messages from the HOLLOW EARTH by Dianne Robbins
  • The Gaia Effect - from spirit guide Kryon (channeled by Lee Carroll)
  • Dr. Steven Greer's New Documentary Film & Book: Exposing the UFO-ET Cover-Up!

  • Jesus: My Autobiography by Tina Louise Spalding
  • The Heart - Doorway To Your Power! by Amma - The Divine Mother
  • Change Your Encodements, Your DNA, Your Life! by Amma
  • Law of Attraction: The Most Powerful Law in the Universe!
  • 9 Free Bestselling Spiritual Books - No Registration Required (English Only)

    Happiness, Success, Money!

  • How To Manifest Anything You Desire by Angelic Guides and Amma the Divine Mother
  • Secrets of Happiness and Success
  • How We Became Money Slaves, February 2018
  • Money & Success: Secrets to Wealth & Happiness!
  • Tips on How To Live and Stay Healthy on $1,000 Per Month Income!


    Oneness - The Awakening Experience! by Rev. Dennis Shipman

  • Table of Contents: Oneness - Best Candy in the Candy Store!
  • Chapter 1: My Experience of Oneness by Rev. Dennis Shipman
  • Chapter 2: The Universality of Oneness
  • Chapter 3: Confessions of an Altar Boy
  • Chapter 4: Radical Transformation of Consciousness
  • Chapter 5: Beyond Dogma To Oneness
  • Chapter 6: The Path of Fear
  • Chapter 7: The Path of Love

    The Writings of Reverend Dennis Shipman

  • Fiction: ROYAL LIGHT - Near Death Experience turns a championship surfer's life upside down!
  • Fiction: STILL VERY MUCH ALIVE - WWII soldier discovers life after getting killed on the battlefield!
  • Fiction: FINALLY COMING HOME - A visitor helps earthbound Civil War soldiers return to the light!
  • Creating Our NEW EARTH VISIONS with Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology
  • The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness - The Greatest Evolutionary Event in Human History
  • The Power of Thankfulness and Gratitude
  • 90 Free & Low-Cost Ways To Raise Your Vibration and FEEL FANTASTIC!
  • Ask God for Your 5D Oneness Experience! You Don't Have to be a Saint!
  • I Invoke The Power Of Love - Mastermind Prayers To Restore Your Inner Power!
  • Breaking Free of the Matrix to 5D Freedom!
  • Overcoming Drama and Chaos
  • Enlightenment: Remembering Our Forgotten Paradise! Insights by Great Enlightened Masters!
  • The Ban of Reincarnation in the Bible - Declared a heresy in a sneaky political maneuver in 553 A.D.
  • Tips for Living in Comfort and Staying Healthy on $1,000 per month income!

    BlissfulVisions.com Your First Contact Book Review
    BlissfulVisions.com Your First Contact Book Review
    Confessions of an Altar Boy by Dennis B. Shipman
    The Path of Fear by Dennis B. Shipman at BlissfulVisions.com
    BlissfulVisions.com Your First Contact Book Review

    Videos / Images / Music / Documentary Films

  • Listen to RELAXATION, MEDITATION, HEALING MUSIC While You Surf This Website!
  • Download Amazing 5D Images of Paradise and Your Multi-Dimensional Reality!
  • THRIVE! Why is This Movie so Popular?!? Over 71+ Million Viewers!
  • What is Channeling? "Tuning In" Documentary by filmmaker David Thomas
  • Free Music Videos: Chasing the Light and The Ancient Song!
  • Free Images of Affirmations and Inspirations for Empowerment

    Events / Resources / World Service

  • Global Meditations for Peace - Participate without leaving home!
  • Links to Popular Channeled Sources for The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness

  • Free Translation in 100 Languages at BlissfulVisions.com














    Road to Oneness