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"School is Over – Time To Put Into Action What You’ve Learned About Love" - Amma

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Road to Oneness

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Book Review: “Change Your Encodements, Your DNA, Your Life!” - by Amma the Divine Mother through Cathy Chapman

Book review written by Rev. Dennis Shipman
Amma: “Dear Ones, the time for living a life of difficulty is over, unless that is your wish. All you need in order to have joy and ease in your life is to align your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, words and actions in the highest way possible with the energy from which you sprang – Love.”

Book Cover for The Heart: Doorway To Your Power by Amma - The Divine Mother channeled by Cathy Chapman

Enjoy Learning, Remembering, and Stretching!

This 303-page book has 29 chapters. It’s chock full of wisdom and guidance for personal and planetary transformation from Amma – The Divine Mother – the feminine aspect of God, a non-physical guide who is beyond the veils of forgetfulness, channeled by Cathy Chapman.

Amma’s loving voice permeates the pages of this book. You can tell by reading this book that she is truly the unconditional loving mother that she proclaims herself to be – “I am Amma, the Mother of all divine mothers, and I am your mother. I gave you birth, gave you life before you came to Earth. I am pure love, and you are always in my heart. You were born in love and you are love incarnate.”

In this book, Amma calls us to remember our true home (Love itself), and reminds us who we truly are (Love incarnate). “Practice makes perfect” is the motto, and Amma asks us to practice, practice, practice the simple (yet sometimes not so easy) spiritual techniques and wisdom in the book to become her representative of love on Earth and enter into the oneness of Love. Every page of this book is filled with jewels of perception for introspection and contemplation, and knowledge about the true nature of your spiritual power on Earth as well as in its God-given reality.

My favorite is chapter 8: “Discover the Altar Within Your Heart Center” - the most sacred space within you. Amma talks about the power of the heart energy that is in each person’s heart center. I’ve never heard it or read it explained anywhere else better than in this book.

She talks about the concept of Oneness, and why some people are not truly fulfilled because they are not aware of what “union” truly means. She talks about how to heal our body from our heart, and that our heart is in command, not our brain. She talks about why forgiveness is so important, and provides suggestions on how to forgive. She explains how balance and health is in how you enter your heart.

Change Your Life with Your DNA Encodements!

A major part of this book contains an introduction to powerful techniques for working with your DNA Encodements. Amma defines them as energy structures particular to you that assist you in learning what you came here (to Earth) to learn. There are natural and artificial encodements, and they can be damaged and changed. Learning to work with your encodements will unleash a commanding power in you that you will give you a taste of your true power as a light-being. This book will give you the specific information whereby you can learn to work with your spiritual encodement technicians that will help you do, according to Amma, what some people would call miracles.

Table of Contents is Extensive!

There are over 300 topics in the book – far too numerous to list here, but I’ve listed a tremendous amount for you to get an idea how extensive this book is. Trust me! If you never read another book in your life, this is the one book worth reading and absorbing into your consciousness . . . for the rest of your life.

The Spiritual Path

  • Let It Go!
  • You Each Have Your Own Path
  • Honor One Another’s Sacredness
  • You Are Love and Beloved
  • About Discipline on the Spiritual Path
  • Everyone Is in a Place of Opportunity
  • There Is Someone for You
  • You Influence Your Astrology
  • The Time of Your Conception Influences Your Astrology
  • Celestial Bodies Outside Your Chart Have an Influence
  • Get out There and Have Some Fun!
  • Can My Vibration Be Too High for My Surroundings?
  • Maintaining Your Balance Helps Everyone
  • Be Conscious of Energy / Ask for Meaning
  • Get Out of Bed and Create with Adamantine Particles
  • Every Single Person Is a Great Light
  • Do Not Be Afraid To Be Beings of Great Light
  • Giving Generously Enhances the Flow of Energy
  • You Come to Learn About Love
  • You Can’t Love Unconditionally All The Time
  • Your Guardian Angel Is an Aspect of You

The Heart Energy Center

  • Harness the Heart Energy
  • Enter the Most Sacred Space Within You
  • Balance Is in How You Enter Your Heart
  • The Heart Center Is Expansive
  • Abide in Peace in Your Own Heart Center
  • Find Ways to Nourish Your Heart
  • Heart Energy Cannot Hurt Others
  • Your Heart Is in Command
  • Discover the Power of Living from Your Heart Center
  • Stay in Your Heart, Live from Your Heart, Be in Your Heart
  • Using The One Pillar of Light For All / Meditation
  • Using Archangel Michael’s Sword of Truth and Protection

Healing & Reactivating Your Power
  • Learn To Live Love
  • Don’t Focus on What Is Not Love
  • It’s About You and Your Issues
  • Working through Ego
  • Help with Grief
  • Feel with Detachment
  • How Can I Be Connected and Yet Detached?
  • Compassion Is Not Rescuing
  • You Are All Healers
  • About Interpersonal Challenges
  • Dissolve Fear with Michael’s Sword
  • Let Go of Attachment and the Need for Recognition
  • Work on Yourself and Help Earth
  • Turn Jealousy into Acceptance!
  • Jealousy, Envy and Covetousness
  • Jealousy and Religion, Jealousy of Children
  • Learning to Accept Yourself
  • A Healing Meditation for the Planet
  • Time To Use What You’ve Learned – School Is Over
  • Do You Want to Change What’s Happening?
  • Healing the Past, Living in the Present
  • Moving On With Lessons Learned
  • Help Others to Rise Above Fear
  • Anger Injures the Energy Field – Love Heals It
  • What Happens to One Happens to All
  • We Will All Return to the Oneness
  • All You Have to Do Is Ask
  • Heal Your Body from Your Heart
  • Whom Do I Most Need to Forgive? And How?

Crystal & Indigo Children
  • Today’s Children Have a Different Energy
  • The New Children Need You as You Need Them
  • Infancy Is the Right Time to Activate the Heart
  • Indigos and Healing Consciousness
  • Balance and Harmony with the Indigo Children
  • The New Energies in Adolescence and Healing
  • The Struggle of Adolescence
  • The Energy Field of Young Adulthood
  • Everything Affects the Developing Child
  • Child Raising Is an Experiment
  • You Cannot Control Your Children
  • Healing the Heart Energies in Your Child and Yourself
  • Set Your Boundaries from Your Heart
  • Everything Is Important in Early Development
  • Provide Structure for Children as They Learn About Choices and Consequences
  • Your Children Are Still Being Formed
  • Blessing Our Children Includes Allowing Them Freedom to Choose
  • There Are No Hard and Fast Rules for Blessing Your Children

Your Diet, Your Health, Your DNA
  • Earth Changes, the Coming Flu Epidemic and the Chemtrails
  • Immunity from the Flu Epidemic
  • Build Up Your Body to Fight the Flu Epidemic: Herbs, Colonics, Juices and Charred Oak Keg
  • Instruct Your body to Assimilate Only the Good
  • Eat More Live Foods and Fewer Dead Ones
  • Verbally Bless Your Food and Attune It to Your Energy
  • The More a Food Is Refined, the Less Beneficial Energy It Contains
  • Pay Conscious Attention to Everything You Put in Your body
  • The Packaging of Food Also Influences Its Energy
  • The Origin and Healing of the Craving for Sugar
  • Watch Your Refined Sugar Intake
  • Honey and Maple Syrup Are Beneficial Natural Sweeteners
  • Bless What You Put in Your Mouth
  • People Will Take Control of Their Health Care
  • You Are Affected by Chemicals and Spiritual Energies
  • Breathe Out Discordance

  • Where Are the Encodements? Understanding Your Encodements
  • Encodements Are Like Your Operating System
  • The Encodement Technicians
  • A Meditation for Finding Your Encodement Technicians
  • Working with the Encodement Technicians
  • To Alter Your Encodements, Change Your Belief System
  • Belief Systems Are Self-Perpetuating
  • Recognize the Power of Your Present Belief Systems
  • Your Belief Systems Are Subject to Change
  • Natural Encodements and Artificial Encodements
  • TV, Radio Can Program Artificial Encodements
  • Using Encodements to Improve Your Physical Health
  • Using Encodements to Reduce Negative Emotions and Problem Solve
  • Encodements To Alter Your Belief System
  • Changing Your Encodements Will Change Your Life Plan
  • Change Comes from With and Without
  • Using Encodements To Motivate Yourself
  • An Alternative Set of Encodements
  • Expanding Encodements to the Macrocosm
  • A Meditation to Amplify the Encodement for Harmony
  • Encodements Can Be Damaged
  • Harmonizing and Assessing Encodements
  • A Full Encodement Assessment
  • Harmonizing Encodements with Birth Astrology
  • A Change in You Affects Others

  • Everything Has Consciousness
  • Awakening the Consciousness of Love
  • The Development of Consciousness
  • The Nature and Characteristics of Consciousness
  • The Qualities of Everyday Energy
  • Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Human Consciousness
  • Your Consciousness and the Planetary Being
  • Dealing with the Illusion of Duality
  • Healing and a Deeper Understanding of Physics
  • Questioning the Left Brian/Right Brian Connection
  • Individual Cells and DNA Have Consciousness
  • The Emotional Controls the Physical

Earth Changes & Human Changes
  • The Coming Changes
  • Signs of Humankind’s Transition
  • Scientific Discoveries and Galactic Communication
  • The Earth Needs Cleansing and Is Cleansing Herself
  • Your Personal Power to Shift the Earth
  • The Marriage of Science and Spirit
  • The Changes in the Chakras
  • Working with the New Energies
  • Healing Practitioners and the Changes in the Chakras
  • About Holding the Grid in Place
  • Hurricanes Are Related to Emotions

War, Media and Politics
  • What about War?
  • Be Aware of Manipulation
  • What Is Really Behind These Conflicts?
  • Anti-War Is Not Pro-Peace
  • Meditate for Peace, Not the Absence of War
  • The Cure Is Correcting the Imbalance
  • Politics in America
  • Help Your Leaders in Their Fear
  • Difference between Bush and Kerry
  • The Central American Free Trade Act
  • Consciousness in the United States
  • The Media Gives Facts, Not Truth
  • The Divine Feminine and Reptilian Energy
  • Brainwashing Is Done With Words and With Vibration

Sexuality and Spirituality
  • The Energy of Sexuality and Spirituality
  • Spirituality and Sexuality Are the Same
  • Orgasm Without Manual Stimulation
  • Feminine and Masculine Energy
  • True Sexual Union Connects Body, Mind, Spirit and Heart
  • Emotion Gets in the Way of Loving
  • Unconditional Love Has No Strings
  • Humans Must Mesh Sexuality and Spirituality from a Young Age
  • The Backlash Against Sexuality Without Spirituality
  • Releasing the Creative Energy into Manifestation
  • You Need Male and Female Energies to Activate the Love

Truly Believe That You Are Love Incarnate
  • Believe That You Are Love Incarnate and Ease the Effects of Earth Changes
  • Your Soul Purpose Is to Learn How Love Is Manifested
  • Two Rules for Easily Being Human
  • Lose the Hold of Limiting Beliefs
  • Do Not Get Involved in Low-Vibration Emotions
  • Relieving Depression and Pressure
  • Changing the Direction of Your Life
  • Daily, Weekly and Monthly Routine for Spiritual Practice
  • Discover Your Life Plan
  • As a Being of Love, Manifest What You Wish
  • A Meditation to Change Your Beliefs
  • Hold to Your Faith Life
  • The Word of God and Releasing Pain
  • Love and Spirit: A Discussion

Publishing Info:

  • Title: Change Your Encodements, Your DNA, Your Life!
  • Author: Dr. Cathy Chapman, Ph.D (c) 2005
  • Publisher: : Light Technology Publishing, www.lighttechnology.com, 800-450-0985 USA
  • Softcover: 9 inches by 6 inches, 303 pages, $16.95 USD (Available in Kindle)
  • Author’s Website: AmmaTheDivineMother.com
  • Purchase Book at Amazon.com

About the Author

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Dr. Cathy Chapman, Ph.D. is the channel for Amma, The Divine Mother. She has been a psychotherapist since 1976, and is the author of “Change Your Encodements, Your DNA, Your Life!” and “The Heart: Doorway to Your Power.” Cathy believes that people are perfect spiritual beings who came into their physical bodies to explore life and, believe it or not, to have fun. To read the full story how Cathy became a channel, click here. To learn more about Cathy or Amma, go to OdysseyToWholeness.com or AmmaTheDivineMother.com

For more articles by Amma, go to the Website Directory.


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