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"Metaphysical Fiction - Revealing the Ever-Present Unseen Loving Reality Within Our Hearts."

Chapter 7: Church of the Perfect Wave

Royal Light Metaphysical Fiction by Dennis Bruce Shipman (1011 words)
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BlissfulVisions.com I faced a dilemma when I used to go surfing on Sundays with my friends who didn't practice any religion. This situation posed a challenge to my religious beliefs.

According to the teachings of the church, it was mandatory for every Catholic to attend Sunday Mass and receive the Eucharist on holy days of obligation. Deliberately failing to do so meant committing a mortal sin, which was considered the gravest offense. If a Catholic were to die with a mortal sin on their soul, it would result in a direct ticket to hell. This meant that I had to give up the joy of riding perfect waves while also sacrificing the luxury of drinking bottled water on the way to hell.

During my Sunday surfing excursions, I typically made it a point to attend Mass, fearing the consequences of carrying the burden of mortal sin on my conscience. Although going to Sunday Mass occasionally presented an inconvenience, I remained committed. On a few occasions, I even had to trek two or three miles in one direction just to reach a church. In some instances, I found myself attending Mass still clad in my wet-suit! These were the moments where my faith was truly put to the test, causing me to deeply contemplate my actions and beliefs.

There were instances when I decided to test the strength of God's love (or perhaps it was His wrath!?), and purposely chose not to attend church on Sundays. When the following Saturday arrived, and confessions were being held, I refrained from confessing my absence. Eventually, I embraced the teachings of my faith: that God is omnipresent, existing everywhere simultaneously.

With this in mind, I concluded that He must also be present in the ocean and its waves. At this time in my life, I needed a god I could touch with my senses, feel with my emotions, and see with my eyes. That's what surfing and the ocean did for me. From that point forward, I no longer went to church. Instead, my place of worship became riding the perfect wave, and going to the church of the perfect wave to visit God became fun again.

While I believed in the existence of a higher power, I lacked the ability to prove it to myself or others. Nevertheless, there existed a substantial amount of empirical evidence supporting the presence of an omnipresent order in the universe that is beyond human control.

This evidence includes the precise movement of the solar system, the rotation of the Earth, the force of gravity, weather patterns, the rhythmic waves of the sea, the intricate lives of plants, animals, and insects, the miraculous process of birth, and the marvels of nature. Additionally, as a human being, I do not possess control over my own breathing or bodily life-support systems. Furthermore, I have no control over when the perfect hollow waves will arrive.

According to the principles of quantum physics, there is a suggestion that everything is connected on a quantum level. Presently, quantum physicists have discovered that nothing in the physical world is truly solid; rather, everything is composed of energy. Beneath the sub-atomic level lies a realm of pure intelligent energy. At the core of physical atoms are vortices of energy, constantly in motion and vibrating, each emitting its own distinctive energy signature. These atoms are comprised of invisible energy particles that cannot be detected by the human eye and do not consist of tangible matter. As a result, it seems that humans lack control over the quantum nature of atoms, as well.

I reasoned there must exist an extraordinarily high level of intelligence, organization, and intention in the cosmos because I did not create the planet or all of existence; it predates my birth. Would it be foolish of me to believe that humanity is not a part of this universal order? We are educated to believe that humans represent the pinnacle of intelligence on Earth. It was reasonable for me to assume that we are born with a noble purpose to fulfill. Could it be that a human's sole reason for existence is to be born, live, work for a brief period, and then die, forever consigned to either heaven or hell? I didn't think so, though I couldn't provide evidence to the contrary.

In the vast expanse of the universe, filled with countless stars and cosmic energies, I often find myself feeling minuscule and powerless. However, everything changes when I'm out in the water, riding the waves. The ocean, to me, is like a divine entity. It possesses an unfathomable magnitude, an indescribable allure, and a profound sense of mystery. It is a force that commands respect, teeming with life and pulsating with energy. The ocean can be both gentle and intense, a creator of abundant marine ecosystems.

When it comes to the ocean and its waves, one cannot assert control; instead, one must approach them with reverence. Living in harmony with the ocean and surfing its majestic waves is the only way to truly experience its power. In this vast cosmos, where I often feel insignificant, the ocean becomes my solace and my sanctuary. It is a realm where I can escape from the hectic pace of modern society and find my place within its infinite depths.

Each wave is unique, never identical to the one that came before it. For me, surfing, particularly riding the perfect wave's curl, is the ultimate thrill because it's simply fun. It's akin to dancing with the ocean itself. The rush of adrenaline and the sense of harmony with the powerful forces of the ocean make it an unparalleled experience.

Surfing is often described as a means to achieve spiritual, physical, and mental freedom. Personally, I can attest to the profound psychological impact of spending an entire day surfing in such an environment. It leaves me feeling completely refreshed and rejuvenated, not just in my body but also in my mind and emotions. It's no surprise that surfing has become a popular international sport, enjoyed by tens of millions.

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