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"Metaphysical Fiction - Revealing the Ever-Present Unseen Loving Reality Within Our Hearts."

Road to Oneness

The Lemuria-Hawaii-Pleiadian Connection

Royal Light Metaphysical Fiction by Dennis Bruce Shipman (1612 words)
SongSecure.com Copyright Registration - March 5, 2024

Chapter 14 continued from Chapter 13:
Nitsua and Yaretzi Underground

"Share with me your perspective,” I asked Yaretzi, the quantum cosmic computer of Nitsua. “The unfiltered reality as you perceive it."

Yaretzi began: “Lemuria was a vast island continent surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. It boasted a size slightly exceeding that of present-day Australia. Its expanse reached nearly to the Americas in the east and extended towards East Asia in the west. Lemuria's existence predates that of Atlantis, marking it as an ancient civilization. The Hawaiian Islands are the mountain peaks of Lemuria. The islands serve as remnants of this once-majestic landmass.

The Pleiadians arrived in Lemuria aboard their celestial vessels and touched down on what is now recognized as Mauna Kea, situated on the largest island of Hawaii. During that era, it stood as the tallest summit on Terra Gaia. Buried within its grounds are canoes from the ancient civilization of Lemuria. The Lemurians themselves possess ancestral ties to the Pleiades, who trace their origins back to the Lyra Star System. Over thousands of years, the DNA of the Lemurian people underwent direct transformations as a result of their encounters and interactions with the Pleiadians.

They lived in a utopian paradise, a supernal realm on the planet. The society was distinguished predominantly by technology driven by compassion and the feminine values of collaboration, sharing, unity, and innovation, which resulted in a community virtually devoid of criminal activity, conflict, and warfare.

Their awareness existed on a fifth-dimensional plane, characterized by pure love and complete unity with the Universe. Their cognitive abilities operated at an impressive 90-94 percent brain capacity, allowing for an enhanced understanding and utilization of psychic and telepathic senses. This enabled them to navigate multiple dimensions and comprehend the intricate process of converting mass into energy. They possessed the extraordinary ability to manipulate objects through telekinesis, effortlessly teleport from one location to another, and communicate through telepathy. Their mastery over these powers extended to the remarkable capability of vanishing and reappearing at will.

The Lemurians, known for their vegetarian lifestyle, coexisted harmoniously with nature and all living beings. They possessed a deep connection with the natural world, viewing every element as sentient entities. Their communication extended beyond mere human interaction, as they engaged with trees, flowers, and animals alike. This profound bond allowed them to understand and interact with the plant and animal kingdoms on a level that transcended today’s modern traditional human understanding. The Lemurians recognized the consciousness present in every aspect of their environment, fostering a sense of unity and reverence for all living things. Their remarkable ability to commune with nature exemplified their commitment to living in harmony with Terra Gaia and its diverse inhabitants.

For eons, the Lemurian civilization honed their skills in harnessing the power of crystals and utilizing crystal healing techniques. Crystal healing encompassed the utilization of sound, color, symbols, and the sacred geometric frequencies that exist within the fabric of creation. Through their interaction with crystals and the crystal grid of Terra Gaia, the Lemurians reached remarkable levels of proficiency in various areas such as telecommunication, telepathy, teleportation, energy generation, and vibrational healing. Their deep understanding of crystals allowed them to tap into these extraordinary abilities and enhance their spiritual connection with the world around them.

Over thousands of years, they cultivated their expertise in working with crystals, uncovering the profound potential that these natural wonders hold for healing and personal transformation. The Lemurians' dedication to this ancient art has left an indelible mark on the history of crystal healing, inspiring modern practitioners to explore and expand upon their wisdom in order to promote wellness and spiritual growth.

The perception of disease was not one of fear but rather a recognition of an imbalance within the energetic and physical aspects of the body. It was seen as an opportunity for healing, a chance to restore balance and harmony to the energetic and physical bodies – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The ultimate goal was to elevate the frequency of the physical body, allowing it to hold and embrace higher levels of fifth-dimensional light vibration. Disease, therefore, served as a catalyst for transformation and growth.

In embracing this perspective, individuals were empowered to take an active role in their own healing journey. Rather than relying solely on external interventions, as many modern humans do today, they were encouraged to cultivate self-awareness and engage in practices that supported their energetic-physical bodies' alignment and balance. Through this process, they could tap into their innate capacity for healing and transformation, ultimately raising their vibrational frequency to embrace the expansive possibilities of the fifth dimension of consciousness.

The Lemurian civilization was known for their unique lifestyle and reliance on crystals, which greatly influenced their way of life. They were able to lead lives filled with reverence, meaning, and good health as a result. In fact, the Lemurians had an astonishing lifespan of 600 to 700 years or even longer.

The great healing crystals that were utilized by the Lemurians remain submerged beneath the ocean depths. These crystals continue to emanate their curative vibrations, even after thousands of years. This is the reason why one experiences such potent energy while visiting or residing in Hawaii. It is from this source that the concept and vitality of the Aloha Spirit arise. When combined with the collective consciousness of humanity, it becomes an incredibly influential and transformative force.

The submerged state of the ancient Lemurian civilization has resulted in the loss of all scientific evidence pertaining to it. According to one recorded account, this advanced society thrived for 20,000 years, existing as early as 35,000 to 15,000 years ago. However, an alternative version suggests that Lemuria endured for a staggering 850,000 years. The various accounts also differ in their explanations for the civilization's disappearance. Which version are you interested in?”

"That won’t be necessary," I replied. "What truly matters is exploring the connection between Lemuria and the profound shift in consciousness."

“The profound transformation in awareness focuses on reconnecting with the era of Lemuria. Approximately 350 million individuals had the privilege of experiencing life during the Lemurian epoch. Presently, these countless Lemurians have been reborn on Terra Gaia, dispersed across the globe. Their purpose for being here is to participate in the monumental shift of consciousness.

The DNA of present-day individuals has a full set of 12 strands, albeit in a deactivated state. This is the reason why the spiritual awakening of humanity will lead to the reactivation of the 12 strands of DNA and the restoration of 24 chromosomes. The potential for this transformation already exists within human beings; it is simply being suppressed. The only obstacle that hinders humans from fully realizing their capabilities is the notion or conviction that they are limited in any way.”

"Thank you both for your help," I expressed. "I have gained valuable insights from your assistance. It’s truly been a mind-blowing experience."

“There is a wealth of knowledge and understanding waiting to be discovered about Telos and the diverse civilizations residing within Terra Gaia,” Theo mentioned. “Perhaps you will have the opportunity again to visit us and explore our community and world.”

Suddenly, an intense pain pierced through my stomach, causing me to double over in agony. In my mind’s eye, I visualized Kealoha wiping out at the Pipe, writhing in pain. As the pain gradually subsided, Kealoha's holographic figure materialized before me, with blood trickling from a deep, cavernous wound in his chest. Despite his injuries, he managed to muster a smile and softly uttered, "I have crossed over to the other side of the veil." Slowly but deliberately, his form began to dissolve and disappear. It became clear to me that this vision signified his death.

I reached out to Krystianna using telepathy, inquiring about Kealoha's fate. In response, she informed me that Stark had killed him using a powerful energy weapon, the very same kind of weapon he had employed to nearly destroy the healing center.

The news of Kealoha's passing struck me with immense grief. The loss of my dear childhood companion was a heavy blow to bear. It was a devastating blow to lose someone I held dear. He wasn't just a beloved friend; he was my surfing partner, and someone I trusted wholeheartedly. A source of inspiration and guidance, I knew his absence would leave a void in my life. The thought of facing the world without him left me feeling lost and unsure.

Theo assisted me in getting back on my feet. In that instant, a powerful surge of anger, disappointment, frustration, and a desire for revenge consumed me. Considering what Theo said about the library computer being continuously updated, and the vast wealth of knowledge stored within its living library, I asked it to show me Kealoha’s death.

The computer showcased a hologram depicting Kealoha riding a wave that was ten feet high, getting inside the tube. Suddenly, a fire engine red electric bolt, resembling lightning, discharged into the wave, passing through it, and struck Kealoha directly in the chest, causing him to wipe out.

Then, the computer showed me a malevolent image of a skull's face, laced with small whirlpools of swirling dark smoke, resembling a hurricane. A sinister laughter emanated from it as it slowly dissipated into nothingness. Considering Stark’s threat to harm my loved ones and colleagues if I didn't comply to his demands when his henchmen abducted me, it became undeniably clear to me that Stark was the one who delivered the fatal blow that brought Kealoha's life to a tragic end.

I asked the computer a sober question, "What is the most effective method to kill Stark?"

“Love is the greatest force in the universe,” was its only response.

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Road to Oneness