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"Metaphysical Fiction - Revealing the Ever-Present Unseen Loving Reality Within Our Hearts."

Road to Oneness

Chapter 13: Nitsua and Yaretzi Underground

Royal Light Metaphysical Fiction by Dennis Bruce Shipman (1402 words)
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BlissfulVisions.com I had a strange sensation that my mind was about to be completely blown out of its comfort zone again!

Following the completion of my initial writing task, Commander Lyons assigned me the next project: to explore the link between the Lemuria-Hawaii-Pleiadian Connection. He told me that I would be reaching the city of Nitsua tomorrow. Since I had never heard of Lemuria, and was unaware of any connection to Hawaii or to the Pleiadians, never heard of Nitsua, I knew my unawareness was about to be amazed with mind-blowing discoveries once more!

On the following day, Krystianna ensured that all preparations were in place for my teleportation to the city of Nitsua, located in vast caverns of Tara Gaia. The engineer provided her with the reassurance that the coordinates were accurate, and the energy settings were correctly calibrated. I stood confidently on the platform waiting for the teleportation to begin.

Krystianna inspected my Pleiadian uniform, which was a deep shade of navy blue. Our eyes locked in that moment, and I could see the depth of understanding in her gaze. It was as though she had the ability to peer straight into my soul, reading my thoughts and sensing the longing in my heart for her love.

“Do you really think we would have a chance?” she inquired. "I don't mean to sound conceited, but do you believe that a fifth dimensional woman could coexist with a third dimensional man who is striving to reach the fifth dimension?" Even though I was already aware of the answer, her comment did not diminish my affection for her.

“Besides,” she continued. “You are on the rebound, and I don’t want to be the replacement for Sweeney.” She raised her hand delicately and rested her fingertips on the middle of my chest. A gentle tingling sensation coursed through me. "The love you seek resides within your heart," she spoke affectionately. "This love has always been with you, has never left you, and desires to be the love of your life. Embrace and embody the unity of this love. You still have a way to go before reaching that destination, but rest assured, you will arrive one day. When that day comes, I will contemplate a union between us."

Hope! That invisible, invincible force that provides strength and inspiration and has the power to transform lives was all I needed. Not just a fleeting emotion, I felt encouraged and empowered to face any challenge and overcome any obstacles to achieve the seemingly impossible.

Then, Krystianna signaled the engineer who threw the switch, and the teleportation commenced. In an instant, reminiscent of the pulsating lights that engulfed the soldiers during my own rescue from Stark, my physical form disintegrated and materialized in Nitsua, just as abruptly as it did before.

A tall young man, standing at approximately eight feet, approached the teleportation platform. He had a strikingly human-like appearance, much like myself, with a clean-shaven face, dark brown hair, and a light natural tan skin tone. Judging by his appearance, he seemed to be in his mid-thirties. As I gazed into his hazel eyes, I felt as though I was being transported into a world of enchantment.

"Welcome to Nitsua, Royal. Is it acceptable if I address you by your given name?" I responded with a smile and a nod. "I'm Theo, and I'll be your guide throughout your stay here. Commander Lyons mentioned that you would be coming for a specific task. Allow me to introduce you to our library, where you will find the answers to all your inquiries.

The weather was pleasant, with clear skies and a temperature that I estimated to be in the mid-70s Fahrenheit. Theo directed me off the platform and into a vehicle that resembled a golf cart without wheels. The vehicle was equipped with resilient elastic bumper guards on all sides and was elevated approximately two feet above the ground.

"We are traveling in a car that defies the laws of gravity and operates solely on magnetic energy, eliminating the requirement for gasoline. Not only is it eco-friendly, but it is also non-toxic," he clarified. "Nitsua represents just a fraction of the extensive underground societies that exist within Terra Gaia. As you can observe, we possess our own source of sunlight, plant life, oceans, hills, mountains, and land masses."

As I observed my surroundings, I was filled with astonishment at the sights before me. I found it particularly astounding to discover that Terra Gaia is actually hollow. This was information that was never taught during my history lessons.

Theo kept going. "In ancient times, prior to Lemuria’s submergence into the ocean, a group of individuals successfully fled and sought sanctuary in the underground caverns of Terra Gaia. It was within these concealed recesses that Nitsua, the city, was established.

All that exists in this realm is imbued with the awareness of the Divine, and we have the ability to connect with every element. Every being in this realm resides in the fifth dimension of consciousness or higher. It is unlike life on the surface of the planet, where you frequently encounter lower vibrations and the acknowledgment of the Divine's presence in all things is often disregarded. Here, however, we embrace the truth of our interconnectedness with the Divine and live in harmony with this understanding.

In Nitsua, we possess human characteristics and partake in a multitude of activities. However, our surroundings are devoid of pollution, illness, aging, monetary constraints, and instead offer free energy and abundance. Moreover, we do not subscribe to the concept of death. Our lifespan can extend to thousands of years, yet we maintain a perpetually youthful appearance. When we decide to conclude our existence, we simply choose to depart from our physical form because we comprehend and embrace the interconnectedness of the divine Light that resides within us.”

"I'm curious,” I said. “Why do you choose to live underground?" There was a million questions swirling in my mind about this immaculate realm, but this particular question loomed largest.

"We have come to understand the futility of engaging in war and resorting to violence. In this sanctuary, shielded from the disturbances of the surface world, we can dedicate our efforts to the advancement of our awareness. Our ultimate aspiration is to ascend to higher levels of consciousness. Only those individuals who have elevated their consciousness to the fifth dimension or beyond, or who have received an invitation, are permitted to visit or dwell in this realm."

We reached the library, an expansive geodesic dome building encircled by windows. It brought to mind the geodesic dome found at the healing center. The library was encompassed by vibrant grass, colorful flowers, shrubs, and trees, along with comfortable seating areas strategically placed in shaded spots. Approaching the entrance, I observed that the walkway was adorned with embedded crystals, diamonds, and emeralds.

Theo guided me towards the library computer. "This incredible marvel is our living library computer. It has quantum cosmic consciousness, exists in multiple dimensions simultaneously and holds the complete history of the universe, continuously updated," explained Theo. "You have the power to search for anything you desire. By projecting your thoughts and intentions, it can transport you to any place you wish to explore, allowing you to experience it firsthand.

Alternatively, you can witness historical events through holograms, immersing yourself in the moment as if you were truly there. Or, if you prefer, you can simply observe it like watching a movie at a theater. The computer even has its own voice and goes by the name of Yaretzi – a name of Native American origin, specifically from the Nahuatl or Aztec language, and it means ‘You will always be loved’."

I was at a loss for words. Interacting with a computer was unfamiliar territory for me, except for the occasional outburst of frustration when it failed to meet my expectations.

“Hello, Yaretzi.”

"Welcome, Royal. How can I assist you?" The computer's words took me by surprise, despite Theo's earlier warning. It was unexpected to hear a female voice addressing me.

“I want to explore the link between Lemuria, Hawaii and the Pleiadians,” I said.

“The topic of Lemuria is multifaceted. It is also referred to as the land of Mu, with the two names being used interchangeably. Various versions exist regarding the origin and history of Lemuria. Which particular version are you interested in?”

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Road to Oneness